Pediatric Occupational Therapy


With occupational therapy, children learn through play!

Occupational therapy provides specialized intervention to develop the skills necessary to complete every day tasks and meaningful activities. Our goal at Growing in motion is for children to thrive across all environments and establish meaningful connections and relationships as they grow. Our team of dedicated pediatric occupational therapists follow a holistic model and see the child as a whole, considering not only the physical needs, but also the emotional needs of the child in the moment in order to help them be the most successful.


Occupational therapy can help with:

  • Self-care including dressing, feeding, zipping and buttoning

  • Play skills such as engaging in pretend play ideas, playing with peers

  • Sensory processing

  • Attention

  • Fine motor skills including handwriting

  • Gross motor skills

  • Motor planning

  • Feeding Therapy


Sensory-based Occupational Therapy

We believe that participation begins with regulation. Our therapists are highly trained in sensory processing disorder and are skilled in creating an environment that produces the “just right challenge” to best engage children based on individual needs. Sensory regulation is impacted by many different variables. For a child with auditory defensiveness, the sound of the loud motorcycle driving by may be frightening. An activity that involves many steps may be too hard, making a child with sensory-based motor difficulties feel frustrated. Clothing feels uncomfortable to a child who is sensitive to touch, causing them to become emotional when presented with clothing that is “not right”. A child who constantly seeks out sensory input may be constantly on the go, and frequently gets in trouble for seeking out what their body needs and they just can’t seem to control. Sensory-enriched OT sessions can promote regulation and help families learn strategies to incorporate into everyday routines to make life run a little smoother.