Physical Therapy


“Proximal stability leads to distal mobility”

Like all of our therapists, our PTs work on getting to the root of the issue. The phrase “proximal stability leads to distal mobility” discusses the importance of this. Whether there is poor shoulder stability impacting handwriting, an imbalance of extensor muscles vs. flexion muscles impacting sitting posture and attention, or weak hamstrings impacting independence going down stairs, our evaluation and treatment is geared towards addressing the underlying issues.


Strength, Balance, and Coordination through Play

Children aren’t going to do sit-ups, push-ups, and burpees for us. Well some might! For most kids, we’re going incorporate strength building exercises within the context of play! Physical therapy can help with building strength and balance so that the child can navigate their environment more efficiently. Improved coordination can help your child in many every day activities.

Confidence, Independence, and Safety

We want our children to be safe. We also want to help them be more independent. We often see wonderful side effect occur as children feel safer and become more independent. They also become more confident and happy with themselves. Physical skills are also an integral component to one’s emotional well-being.



To ensure better alignment, some children may benefit from the use of braces or orthotics. We have a close relationship with local orthotists and can help to arrange meetings and fittings.